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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Life in Bathgate, West Lothian

Bathgate, West Lothian is a central Scottish town not far from Edinburgh. Though people have resided there historically for thousands of years, Bathgate as a proper Scottish town comes into historical view under the reign of King Malcolm IV of Scotland. The town has had many different spellings over the years and has been a political pawn, changing hands several times. It was even once included in the dowry of Scottish princess Marjorie.

The area was often one of unrest, politically and economically. A silver mine was discovered, only to be abandoned when it was not ore of good quality. Reformers came, the economy changed. In the nineteenth century, Bathgate became a place of great advancement. A railroad line was built and mines other than silver were farmed.

The area became a distillery center for Scotch whiskey and was successful until higher powers decided to make the area solely a motor car industry town. Many different automotive companies opened and employed a great deal of the town. This was successful for only a few decades before Bathgate opened up again to other trades. In modern day, Bathgate has a large mobile phone manufacturing plant to boost the economy.

There are several reasons why Bathgate is famous. Firstly, the man who discovered chloroform as an anesthetic lived and worked here. Some of the residents may have been the first to have comfortable and safer surgeries due to this man's practice. Bathgate is also the site where the world's oldest reptile fossil was discovered. It is three hundred and fifty million years old.

Bathgate does not have a major sports team, but it does have several celebrity residents--the most famous being David Tennant, star of the decades-long British series, "Doctor Who." There is also something quite unique to the area, that being land art. This involves a series of ramps built to form-fit the natural shape of the land and form statues.

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