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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Baby Care Tips - 5 Basic Guides That New Parents Should Consider

Every baby is a blessing and you, as parents, are stewards of this blessing. You have waited long enough to welcome him to the outside world. If you are a first time parent, you may find these tips helpful in looking after your newborn.

1. Feed your baby right. Whether you have decided to feed your baby with breast milk or infant formula, make sure that you are giving him the right amount and at the right time.

Studies have proven that breast milk is still the best nourishment for newborn. However, if you have decided to use infant formula, check its label for the proper quantity and time interval for feeding your baby, unless your doctor recommends otherwise. Help your baby burp after feeding.

2. Have your baby get enough sleep. Newborn babies spend most hours of the day sleeping. During the first few weeks, your baby may sleep for only 30 minutes to 3 hours. After six weeks or more, you will notice that the sleeping pattern of your baby will change.

Do not be bothered if your baby keeps on sleeping as it helps in the mental and physical development of a child. However, you should wake him up if it is time to feed him.

3. Know the proper way of bathing your baby. Bathing a newborn for the first time can be the most terrifying experience for a first time mom. You do not have to bathe a newborn baby everyday.

It is enough to bathe him two to three times in a week using only a sponge. You should do this quickly since your baby is not yet used to cold environment.

Make sure that the umbilical cord will not get wet to avoid infection. You can only do tub bathing once the umbilical cord of your baby falls off.

4. Take good care of your baby's delicate skin. His skin is very sensitive and so you should only use products for babies. They are also prone to skin rashes which are normal. However, if the rashes cause irritation and fever, you should consult your pediatrician.

5. Know when to give your baby his medicine. When your baby was required by the doctor to undergo certain medication, you should observe proper dosage and be conscious on any possible adverse reaction of your baby to the medication.

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