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วันศุกร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Top 3 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a Mobility Car

As there's such a huge range of mobility cars available now there's no longer any reason for people with mobility issues to struggle in and out of more traditional vehicles. Having access to a mobility vehicle can mean having access to freedom so people can enjoy their lives without worrying about the safety or inconvenience of travelling in unsuitable vehicles.

If you're ready to buy a mobility vehicle for yourself or for a loved one to use then this can sometimes be a substantial investment but one which can come with huge benefits. Take the time to make sure you make the right choice of vehicle by asking the questions below.

1) Can the car be adapted to your specific needs?

Everyone is unique so you may find that most cars you try out won't meet your requirements exactly. Most mobility cars can be adapted and modified to give you added comfort and safety, after all there's no point investing in a vehicle if you don't feel confident and comfortable driving it. Some cars are suited to very specific requirements and features such as doors, seat height and storage space for wheelchairs can vary from car to car. Other features to think about include whether a manual or automatic car would be more suitable and what extra adaptations you might need such as a left foot accelerator or a swivel seat. Once you narrow your choice of vehicles down, ask a mobility company if the adaptations you require are possible and how much these will cost. You need to make sure that the car you drive away in is fully suited to your needs so you can enjoy the vehicle for many years.

2) What's your budget for your new car?

Most people have to budget when it comes to buying a new car regardless of if it's a mobility vehicle or more traditional car. When you decide on your budget find out what you can get for your money but don't forget to consider what extras you'll need such as insurance or any adaptations. When you decide on your budget you should then decide on what you definitely need from your car and what would be a nice but not a necessary feature or extra. When you view your potential cars keep these preferences in mind as there's no point considering a vehicle which is not in your budget or can't be modified to meet your requirements. Think about the long term use of your car as well as researching how energy efficient particular vehicles are. If a car isn't very efficient and is going to drink gallons of petrol then it's likely to be very expensive in the long run.

3) Can you have a test drive?

Most good car and mobility experts will allow you to test drive their vehicles. It's advisable to take the time to go for a spin in a number of cars to help you see in reality how easy they'll be to drive and how well they'll suit your requirements. Test driving mobility vehicles can also give you a clear idea of what extras or modifications you might need.

Choosing a mobility vehicle is a big decision so make sure you ask the questions above and more before you make an investment.

strathwood falkner

