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วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How Online Competitors are Attacking Each Other with Feedback - Beat Them or Eliminate Them

In the world of the media, giving someone attention whether good or bad is a form of publicity and it tends to help the party receiving the attention to become more well known. Publicity then, good or bad, tends to help the overall individual or company, unless it's so horrible. General publicity is good , not bad, even if it's not favorable.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion of a product or service and we are fortunate to have a multitude of choices as well as prices. It's a fabulous thing that not everyone likes or wants the same thing.

The scary and unfortunate part of feedback is when a competitor will go out of their way to downgrade or attack another person's product or service with the sole intention of keeping traffic away from the other person's business for the benefit of their own business.

It takes just as much time to say something positive as it does to say something negative. Intentions of a person's feedback should be considered. Let's say for example, you don't like or understand something about their product or service. If you have good intentions and you are sincere and would be willing to offer positive criticism and advice to that person or company, it's totally possible to send that person or company an e-mail with your concerns and recommendations.

On the other hand, to publicly criticize a product or service and leave the comments and ratings for the cyberworld to see can be very cruel and even harmful to another person's business or traffic to their site. If that's your intention to ruin others, know that if others are following your same line of reasoning, you may be attacked someday or multiple times and it doesn't feel good.

Feedback is important if someone if operating in a manner to steal money fron customers and you can stop others from losing money . There are fraudulent parties operating with destructive tactics and that's great that the internet feedback can prevent people from dangerous financial perils .

The better we all get as individuals and companies, the better we serve others, our society, and the world. If you can help someone in cyberspace be better, please take the time to enlighten them instead of destroy them. Many people will thank you.

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