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วันอังคารที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Car Ramps - Making Fixing and Transporting Vehicles a Snap

When it comes to car ramps, there is a lot to consider. For example, there are a lot of front end clearance problems to consider. This invention may seem simple, but when you consider that different vehicles have different clearances things do not seem that simple. Other considerations needed to be made include the size of tires, prevention of roll off and over travel, and centering the tires.

There are many different types of car ramps. They come in so many different types and provide different benefits. Many of these ramps can provide 10,000 pounds of G.V.W. per pair. The inclines are typically removable and the steel used is more often than not Heavy Gauge and solid. These also vary based on usage. There are sport ramps that include race ramps and "extenders".

There are wheel cribs, roll ups, flat stoppers, show cribs, and there are even scale ramps. The prices vary, but almost never are expensive. Often times than not you can get fantastic quality for cheap.

Things to consider

There are many other things to consider when purchasing ramps. Does the business or person need gripping rubber feet? How much weight does this product need to accommodate? With the weight of automobiles varying so much it is needed to be considered imperatively. The G.V.W. of the pieces can vary from 7,000 pounds all the way to 12,000! Another important detail to consider is how long of an incline is needed. Typically there is a 7.8 degree incline but the degree can vary.

How to know which ramp is needed?

For 56″ or 67″ ramps, there is a test to figure out which is needed. You need to place one end of a yardstick at the front inside edge of the tire contact patch. It doesn't matter which front tire, either or. Elevate the opposing end of the yardstick until it touches the front spoiler at the bottom. If the vertical distance is 7.25″ or greater, the car will definitely clear the ramps. If not, then it is important to look into some sort of extender.

There are also companies out there that make customized ramps. It doesn't matter whether they are for cars, medical needs, aerospace, or even advertising displays many of the companies out there can make anything you can imagine needing in regards to ramps.

Car ramps are useful tools that can be used right at home in the driveway!

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