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วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Benefits of Walking as Exercise - How Much Fat Do You Really Lose?

Sedentary way of life is common thing to many of us. Industry had gone through much trouble to relieve people from physical activity. The invention of modern transportation, cars, computers and power tools do even more to reduce that. Regular physical activity has a number of established and proven facts about its effect on overall health, particularly on heart because it decreases risk for heart disease, heart attach and stroke. We can even say that lack of physical activity is the most common cause of death today.
We see that everyone can get benefits from physical activity but the problem for many people has always been the proper motivation. Many overweight people avoid physical activity because they are bombarded with firm, sexy bodies from magazine covers and we are under constant impression that exercise is a sweaty and tiresome practice that takes a lot of effort to do properly. But it is really not like that. Studies have shown that even low-intensity activities like walking or gardening can do a lot of good things to our overall health, weight and even spirit.
Our body weight is mostly determined by the balance of calories. We input calories with food and we need to balance our physical activity with how much we eat. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. So to loose one pound of fat we need to spend 3500 more calories than we eat. Walking is a perfect way to spend calories. It is not difficult to perform, it requires no special equipment or clothes, you can walk anywhere and anytime and it is also very fun.
Walking with moderate pace which is about 3 Mph we can spend 230 Calories per hour. If we walk for approximately hour and half per day we can spend over 2500 calories per week. You may think that it is not much because with this pace you would loose less than pound per week. But if you slightly change your dietary habits you can easily shim off another 1000 calories per week. Stop drinking that cans of Coca-Cola for example because one can has about 200 Calories. That's 1400 Calories per week less just with not drinking Cola! We can even further ramp that up with light workouts like jogging, light weight lifting, push-ups or sit-ups. You are now really losing all excuses not to achieve slim body and have a healthy life.
Workout also helps to build muscles and the more muscles you have, more fat you burn. Don't get demotivated when after a few weeks of training you still don't see significant difference in weight. Muscles are a lot heavier than fat so the real results you should see in the way your clothes now fits!

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